Mordecai Lyon interviews Matthew Lee from Students For Fair Rent about their rent strike against the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
Mordecai Lyon interviews Valeria Racu from the Madrid Tenants Union in Spain about class conflict and their current rent strike.
Mordecai Lyon interviews Sameer Beyan from the Thorncliffe Park Tenants Union about their current rent strike in Toronto, Canada and how the public pension fund is implicit.
Mordecai Lyon interviews Katy Slininger from the Cargill Tenants Union about their current rent strike in Putnam, Connecticut.
Mordecai Lyon interviews Julia Goode & Zackariah Farah about the AATU's 1969 rent strike, the 1970 encampment, and how history is repeating.
Mordecai Lyon interviews Bruno Dobrusin, an organizer at the York South-Weston Tenant Union, about two ongoing rent strikes in Toronto.
How tenants of largest landlord in San Francisco created an association, made demands, went on rent strike, and won the "right to organize."