• February 22nd, 2025


Black Men Build (BMB) is officially outside this weekend in the midwest. On May 1, 2021 (aka May Day or International Workers’ Day), the BMB family will be celebrating The People by running a massive regional field operation in Detroit, Milwaukee, and St. Louis.

Based upon BMB’s nationwide “Days of Service,” in which we are calling on Black Men to organize internally and emerge as a formidable force for good within our own communities. In each of the aforementioned cities, we will be on the front lines by aiding families who are struggling in the wake of the pandemic.

In Milwaukee, our lead organizer, Lanisha Martin, will be organizing a door-to-door canvassing event with the Nation of Islam as her community partner. Nisha will be giving away resource bags, which include housing information, COVID-19 supplies, and recreational information for the Youth. This effort is a part of her work to address internal community violence as well as the current health crisis in her city.

“We are working to change things in Milwaukee. I’m a Black Woman who wakes up everyday and organizes under the BMB flag,” said Nisha. “For me it’s deeper than gender politics. I have a son of my own and I’m building this program with BMB because it will save lives.”

In Detroit, Black Men Build field organizer Sloan Gibson will be servicing the community along with Amari Asad and Lovin’ Touch Learning Center. “There will be free food, free haircuts and free care packages,” said Sloan. “We’ll also be distributing Wartimes, and generating new conversations about our work.” Sloan acknowledges the fact that Detroit is fragmented, but is emerging as an innovative organizer in his own backyard with promising community events on the horizon.

In St. Louis, lead organizer Corey Black is pushing an initiative called “Street Sweep.” Corey says the initiative is simple: “We want to clean up the streets, but we want it to be impactful. We’re bringing a military styled operation to Martin Luther King Boulevard.”

Black Men Build STL’s Street Sweep is expected to be one of the largest mutual aid events to ever touch the Westside of St. Louis. Corey believes that this is the first major step for BMB STL’s future organizing endeavors in his hometown. “We’re serious about taking over the city, just like Nisha and Sloan are serious about taking over Milwaukee and Detroit. This is a power grab, we’re all from the midwest. We’re one fist, when we move this whole entire region has to recognize it.”

All of these events will be taking place on May 1, 2021. Black Men Build is a nationwide organization that seeks to find out what will happen when an organized force collides into an immovable object.

Black Men Build (BMB) May Day of Service

May 1, 2021 (SATURDAY)

St. Louis: 8am- 12pm : location 1515 Kings Highway @ Wohl Community Center Parking Lot 

Contact: BMB STL

Milwaukee: 12:30pm -2:30pm : Meet @ Ben Franklin School 2308 W. Nash  (Canvassers will dispatch from specified location)

Contact: BMB MKE 

Detroit: 12pm – 2 pm Lovin’ Touch Learning Center 2405 West McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48221 

Contact: BMB DET

Tef Poe
Tef Poe
Tef Poe is an emcee and educator from St. Louis, who serves as the Executive Director of The Boycott Times. He co-founded the Hands Up United movement and is an advocate for grassroots movements in radical justice around the world. He has garnered two prestigious fellowships from Harvard University, the Nasir Jones Hiphop Fellowship and the American Democracy Fellowship. Tef is an award-winning journalist who has written for Time Magazine, NewsOne, BBC, and is currently finishing his memoir, Rebel to America.

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